Master PowerPoint
Learn any Level for $295 or Get Microsoft Certified
Microsoft PowerPoint (45 Hours) - The goal of this course is to teach students how to create interactive PowerPoint presentations (decks) from scratch or using templates. Among other topics covered will be animate text and objects, adding, formatting, and modifying images, charts, and tables, as well as saving PowerPoint presentations in multiple formats.
Upon completion of this course, each student will take a ten (10) hour Microsoft prep course and take the MO-300 Microsoft Certification Examination.
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Program Snapshot
By course end, you’ll be able to:
Manage presentations
Modify slide masters, handouts, and note masters
Change presentation options and views
Configure print settings for presentations
Configure and present slide shows
Prepare presentations for collaboration
Manage slides
Insert, modify, order and group slides
Insert and format text, shapes, and images
Insert links, images, and format graphic elements
Insert tables, charts, smartArt, 3D models. and media
Apply transitions and animations
Delivered in-person and/or virtual instructor-led by a Microsoft Certified Expert Trainer. 100% hands-on and a Holt guarantee!

Course includes: 30 hours hands-on live instructor led training + 10 hours of lab