Master Microsoft Access
Learn Any Level for $495 or Get Certified
Participants will gain hands-on experience in Microsoft Access creating databases. Students will create and modify blank desktop database, create a database from a template, create a database by using Import objects or data from other sources, delete database objects
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Program Snapshot
By course end, you’ll be able to:
Create and modify a blank desktop database
Create a database from a template
Create a database by using Import objects or data from other sources
Delete database objects
- And much more!
Our MOS Access course is designed to help participants master office skills that are essential in today’s competitive marketplace.
Delivered in-person and/or virtual instructor-led by a Microsoft Certified Expert Trainer. 100% hands-on and a Holt guarantee! Earn college credits and certification

Course includes: 30 hours hands-on live instructor led training + 10 hours of lab